Water and Sanitation

Sustainable management of water resources and access to safe water and sanitation are essential for unlocking economic growth and productivity, and provide significant leverage for existing investments in health and education.

Water used to wash hands can be recycled and used again for irrigation proposes to boost productivity under Sustainable Agriculture. This begins by washing hands with soap and later water is collected in the containers through the pipes. Using BioSand Water Filtration Technology, this water is recycled to be used for irrigation in the sack gardens. The amount of water used by a single user on a single tap is equivalent to the amount of water used to wash hands of many users on a single tap. Therefore, this technology is cost effective and sustainable in management of water.

Single tap for many users (Sustainable)
Single tap for single user (Not sustainable)

The water used by many users at ago to wash hands is later collected in the BioSand water filters which help in filtering the used water to do irrigation in Sack gardens hence increased productivity and income generation.

Recycled Water being used for irrigation in Sack garden
BioSand Water Filters

Children are able to promote Sanitation at school and ensure sustainability in using water as a resource as well as learning sustainable agriculture.

Sanitation and hygiene have been ensured through promotion of Soap making skills. Children are able to produce both Laundry bar soap and multipurpose Liquid Detergent that can be used in promotion of sanitation and hygiene at school.

Children use Hydrometer to measure the concentration of Caustic Soda in water to achieve correct consistency and quality in the final soap product.
Children use the cutting machine to cut soap into bars.